Sci-Fi Love Scenes People Still Can't Get Over

Throughout the landscape of cinema, love appears in many different forms. From those iconic relationships between the more stereotypical pairings to the ones centering on offbeat individuals, there's no limit to the types of affection Hollywood showcases. But the category that contains some of the more creative examples of love is science fiction. After all, science fiction is known for its imaginative tales of intergalactic adventures, time travel, and soundlessly fascinating stories -- making their intimate moments anything but ordinary.

As a tribute to the bold pairings within this ever-evolving genre, we'll look at the most memorable love scenes within sci-fi films. has to offer. From the sexy to the strange to the beautiful and the bizarre, we'll cover all of the cinematic bases (pun intended) to prove why cinematic intimacy is at its best within this unique genre. So buckle up, and let's explore the chaotic yet stunning world of science fiction love sequences!

Mac & Valerie Get Cozy

When it comes to '80s sex comedies, none of them get more delightfully unhinged than Julien Temple's "Earth Girls are Easy." A quasi MTV-style musical, the movie follows Valerie (Geena Davis), a beautician, who goes through an ordeal with her cheating fiancé. But when Valerie finds herself amongst a trio of alien guys, her life gets turned upside down. From a multitude of make-over montages to out-of-this-world nightclub sequences, this movie is the definition of chaos. But no scene is as iconic or fascinating as the intimate moment between Valerie and her alien crush, Mac (Jeff Goldblum).

What starts as a flirting conversation turns into a day-glow confetti extravaganza -- perfectly blending sexy and campy into its love scene. Not only do Davis and Goldblum have blazing on-screen chemistry, but it's nice to see characters like Valerie get the romantic attention they deserve in such a silly movie. Plus, with the perfume-ad style filmmaking, the rainbow-infused cinematography by Oliver Stapleton, and its on-the-nose dialog, it's hard to ignore the female gaze aura that makes the sequence stand out from both the '80s and sci-fi films generally. While "Earth Girls" is a mess of a movie, this moment proves how "Earth Girls Are Easy" became a cult classic and is another excellent example of why Goldblum is one of cinema's quirkiest hunks.

The Amphibian Man & Elisa's Aquatic Tango

When word got out that Guillermo del Toro's "The Shape of Water" contained a lovemaking scene between a fish man and the movie's leading lady, critics became divided over the choice. Some were bewildered by it, while those who love off-center romances were all on board. When you push the curiosity and controversy surrounding this much-debated sequence to the side, what you have is a beautiful -- as strange as that might sound to some -- examination of intimacy. 

From the get-go, del Toro wonderfully plays with the idea of how important touch is to Elisa (Sally Hawkins) and the Amphibian Man's (Doug Jones) relationship. Throughout the first and second acts, the pair rarely get to embrace -- until Elisa saves her aquatic crush from the horrific grasp of Strickland (Michael Shannon) and the secret government lab. Once the pair make a home inside Elisa's apartment, these two finally get to act upon their intense connection. To its credit, it's not an aggressively over-the-top sexual experience but one that's gentle and resembles an underwater ballet.

Of course, some viewers might have a hard time taking this romance seriously. But if you're willing to take in the beauty of this well-handled scene, then you'll begin to realize the genuine romantic magic between this adorable odd couple. 

Any Time Someone Uses Strange Days' SQUID

In Kathryn Bigelow's highly underappreciated "Strange Days," a new piece of tech known as the SQUID allows its users to relive the memories of others (including physical sensations and emotions) in a VR-style format. As the film progresses, audiences meet Lenny Nero (Ralph Fiennes), a black marketeer who ends up with a SQUID recording of a brutal murder that instantly changes several lives -- including his. While solving said crime takes most of "Strange Days," viewers also witness the different, more intimate ways people use this new piece of tech.

From Lenny trying to replay his romance with his ex-girlfriend, Faith Justin (Juliette Lewis), to various consumers living out cultural taboos, each of these segments brilliantly showcases the highs and lows of sexual intimacy. But what makes these scenes interesting outside of their premise, is how Bigelow and cinematographer Matthew F. Leonetti capture these segments. With its mix of handheld camera techniques and intense close-ups, it's easy to see how a SQUID user could fall down the rabbit hole of denial.

Overall, "Strange Days" -- even with its script written by the James Cameron -- remains a challenging sale for casual audiences. Yet, for the viewers who have witnessed this fascinating piece of filmmaking, the SQUID (and the way it's used) continues to impact cinema.

Aurora & Jim's Intergalactic Love

To a casual onlooker, 2016's sci-fi romance "Passengers" might seem like nothing offensive. Featuring two beautiful leads Chris Pratt portrays Jim and Jennifer Lawrence portrays Aurora, a couple whose relationship blossoms amid an intergalactic adventure. Their central intimate sequence is a montage featuring the two embracing while looking out onto the galaxy. They throw one another on top of sleek futuristic furniture while looking at simulations of the woods from their luxurious bed. Everything sounds cute, right? 

But when audiences discovered the plot details of director Morten Tyldum's project, this seemingly innocent romance felt more like a horror movie. Why? The plot revolves around Jim, who, after being accidentally woken up from hibernation amid a 90-year-long flight, decides to wake up Aurora against her will to fill his lonely void. This action (along with Jim constantly lying to his love interest) makes every moment in "Passengers" feel consistently more disturbing as it continues.

Sure, some audiences might be able to overlook these details and fall under the spell of Pratt and Lawrence's undeniable chemistry. Still, when it comes to viewers who can't forgive Jim's actions, it's hard to not examine how creepy this sci-fi film is when you know how Jim and Aurora got together in the first place. 

THAT Pool Scene In Cocoon

In Ron Howard's "Cocoon," audiences witness a spark building between the nautical himbo, Jack Bonner (Steve Guttenberg), and the mysterious beauty, Kitty (Tahnee Welch). At first, everything seems like your typical rom-com scenario --Jack pulls out all the stops to charm his new crush, and Kitty plays hard to get. But once Jack discovers Kitty is an intergalactic alien creature, the dynamics of their relationship take a bold new direction -- especially when it comes to how they make love.

After a swim near the shore, Kitty and Jack's flirting becomes incredibly steamy. But with Kitty being a completely different species, she can't have intercourse with her human love interest in the typical Hollywood way. She then takes Jack to an indoor pool and shows him how those of her kind express intimacy with one another. The results? Something that's a cross between an ELO concert and a psychic power sequence from a late-80s anime.

While some viewers might have difficulty categorizing this scene as "sexy" in the traditional sense, this moment has stark originality. Though most sci-fi blockbusters follow the typical route when it comes to lovemaking, it's clear that Howard and company were willing to take a cinematic risk here. Considering "Cocoon's" cult status, this fascinating choice definitely paid off.

Sil & Stephen's Bedroom Insanity

During the third act of "Species," audiences see the nerdy-but-charming Dr. Stephen Arden (Alfred Molina) spectacularly fail at flirting at a nightclub. Stephen then enters his hotel room and discovers that a beautiful woman has been waiting for him inside. Initially, it's evident that the woman is different than anyone Stephen has encountered before. He would be right -- since she just so happens to be the alien Stephen and his team have been hunting throughout the movie.

For those that know this mid-90s sci-fi thriller well, there's an argument to be made that this love scene is far from the wildest moment "Species" has to offer. Yet when it comes to sexy sequences that push the story forward, this moment between Stephen and Sil (Natasha Henstridge) checks all the right cinematic boxes. For starters, it's brilliant that Sil's perfect match is with the guy who's the least likely to be called a "ladies man." Molina's performance gives Stephen just the right amount of awkwardness for this moment to work.

But why this scene makes this list is how it propels the movie toward its bonkers conclusion. From realizing Sil's pregnant to the alarming spikes that come out of her spin, this "Species" sequence is wild, campy, and ridiculous -- just as it should be.

The Entirety Of 1968's Barbarella

With hair teased to the cosmos, the titular character of "Barbarella" (Jane Fonda) feels like Flash Gordon meets James Bond but dipped in '60s sexual revolution paint. She's an intergalactic astronaut who, amid a time full of love and peace, seeks to find a scientist whose creations could bring chaos to the galaxy. But as this beautiful heroine goes on her quest, she encounters all kinds of wacky creatures and situations -- most of which have something to do with intimacy.

From her respectful interactions with the fuzzy Mark Hand (Ugo Tognazzi) to her relationship with the blind angel Pygar (John Phillip Law), each of these encounters highlights how Barbarella's sexuality is a tool. She can give one character a confidence boost while rendering another powerless via her touch. But the themes of sexual dominance don't stop there. The villain uses a weapon that can "pleasure" someone to death. Needless to say, sexuality is at the forefront of this movie, as it was in Jean-Claude Forest's original "Barbarella" comics.

Despite the criticism "Barbarella" has gained over the years, there's a campy charm that's hard to ignore. While it's dated, it's still influential -- especially concerning its unique depictions of women owning their sexuality. Yet regardless of which side you fall on, there's no denying sci-fi wouldn't be the same without this steamy Jane Fonda "classic."

Data And The Borg Queen's Steamy Kiss

For a character whose innocence is often on full display, it's interesting to see how frequently the beloved "Star Trek" android, Data (Brent Spiner), falls into intimate situations. For example, his face-to-face encounter with the terrifying Borg Queen (Alice Krige) from "First Contact." Though aesthetically, the character looks like an H.R. Giger drawing brought to life, this iconic antagonist contains a sensuality that's impossible to ignore. Her sexuality is a weapon she uses to her advantage throughout the movie to take advantage of Data's vulnerability.

After grafting a piece of human skin to Data's arm, the Borg Queen asks the android if he's ever experienced pleasure. Of course, as many "Star Trek" fans know, Data has had a few romantic encounters throughout the original series. But he notes that it's been a while since he's used his "techniques." As the Borg Queen draws closer to Data, it becomes clear that the pair have a strange but weirdly-beautiful attraction to each other that calls for an intimate embrace. 

While director Jonathan Frakes confirmed that Data and the Borg Queen did more than just a kiss off-screen, the steamy chemistry between Spiner and Krige speaks volumes about what happened between the characters. Although this scene might seem strange to casual audiences, it holds immense significance for Data and the film's dramatic conclusion.  

The Inter-Species Love In Galaxy Quest

In "Galaxy Quest," romance and sex aren't at the forefront of the story. Sure, we remember the low-cut tops Gwen (Sigourney Weaver) wears in the film's canon show, and Jason (Tim Allen) has a wealth of in-movie fangirls. Otherwise, sex isn't within the film's focus. However, director Dean Parisot does feature one bizarre, intergalactic lovemaking scene between Fred Kwan (Tony Shalhoub) and Laliari (Missi Pyle).

After Fred puts his digital conveyor to the heroic test, Laliari and Guy (Sam Rockwell) congratulate Fred on his achievement. After Guy stops patting Fred on the back, Laliari gives Fred an aggressive kiss. A smooch that continues to unravel into quite a chaotic sexual experience for the pair -- especially when it comes to Laliari "letting her hair down," aka freely existing in her alien form.

Silly and brilliantly funny, this scene is unhinged, old-school sci-fi sexuality at its finest. This sex scene stands the test of time thanks to its brilliant comedic performances from Shalhoub and Pyle, incredible creature work by Stan Winston's artists, and one of the funniest line deliveries in cinema by Sam Rockwell.

Jenny & Starman

In John Carpenter's sci-fi romance, "Starman," Jeff Bridges plays an alien who has taken on the physical form of Jenny Hayden's (Karen Allen) dead husband. As the story progresses, we see this odd couple go through some thrilling and wacky scenarios. Along the way, the pair find themselves in a steamy situation involving an empty railroad car and many wet clothes.

Of course, this intimate moment between Starman and Jenny might seem mundane to the casual viewer. But when looked at closely, there's a fascinating duality within this love scene that makes it something extraordinary. For starters, Jenny has not been intimate with her husband for quite some time. While Starman is only a physical representation of him, the significance of getting to make love with him again feels genuine in Allen's performance. Additionally, Starman has never experienced human intimacy: Bridges showcases this fact without going too over the top in his expressions.

When it comes to love scenes in sci-fi, this ranks as one of the best. Not only are the performances top-notch, but with Donald M. Morgan's cinematography and Carpenter's direction, it feels impossible not to root for this unique pair to survive past the credits -- even if you know how "Starman" beautifully ends.

Blade Runer 2049's Surrogate Love

When it comes to the world of "Blade Runner 2049," romance certainly doesn't go the traditional route. Case in point: the complicated relationship between K (Ryan Gosling) and his digital projection love interest, Joi (Ana de Armas). We see glimpses of their day-to-day interactions -- K comes home after a long day, and Joi tries her best to give him a warm, comforting life. But no matter how much effort she puts into their time together, Joi feels unsatisfied with their sex life -- especially since she's only a hologram.

However, everything changes when Joi hires Mariette (Mackenzie Davis), a remarkable replicant, to help with their tricky situation. Together, the two can merge, allowing Joi and K to finally experience intimacy as a couple -- resulting in a holographic threesome that's beautiful, bizarre, and unlike most things seen in modern blockbuster cinema.

Featuring incredible visual effects, skilled direction by Denis Villeneuve, and outstanding performances by Gosling, de Armas, and Davis, this moment is a fantastic example of how creative and poignant sci-fi can be. While it might seem unbelievable to some, this sort of relationship between a user and a holographic individual might become real down the line. Although other movies have shown similar types of technological sexual connections (much like Spike Jonze's "Her"), none of them are as innovative as this specific tango.

Read this next: The Weirdest Kisses In Sci-Fi Movie History

The post Sci-Fi Love Scenes People Still Can't Get Over appeared first on /Film.

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