Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Trailer Breakdown: Stop Pointing At Other Spider-People

"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" is one of the greatest animated films of all time, and one of the best superhero films of all time, with a fantastic story that mixes thrills with heart, introducing several heroes and making sure each felt alive, while also providing some gorgeous animated spectacle. Of course, anticipations for the sequel are nothing if not sky-high.

So far, however, "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" seems to be doing all the right things, and promising to do everything people liked about the first one, while also doing something new. We know there will be six distinct art styles featured in the film, and the animation in the new trailer looks simply stunning, but there is also the introduction of dozens of new Spider-People, including Jessica Drew and Spider-Punk. Plus, the trailer makes it clear we are about to get lots of deep Marvel cuts, and even some actual creator credits.

After a fantastic first trailer that celebrated the return of the Spider-Verse, the latest trailer for "Across the Spider-Verse" doubles down on everything that makes these movies awesome, while revealing a bit more about the plot and unveiling the film's fascinating doofus of a villain. There is a lot to be excited about here, so let's break it down in greater detail.

Meet The Spot

We start with a fresh look at the film's villain: The Spot. Played by Jason Schwartzman, The Spot is seen here robbing a convenience store and shoving things into the interdimensional holes that cover his body — and then hilariously dropping slices of bread from one of those holes.

It is a very funny gag that seems to indicate this version of The Spot will remain the C-list villain he was in the comics, rather than having the film try to make him a gritty or tragic figure. Sure, his portals can be rather dangerous in a movie about the multiverse, but they also look goofy, which can make for a great combination.

Plus, it allows for some interesting animated challenges. When the villain was unveiled, the directors revealed that each of the spots is meant to feel like it was hand-drawn by a different artist. What's more, the character's look will "morph and change" throughout the film as he learns to control his powers.

Boricua To The Core

As fun as the first "Spider-Verse" is as a superhero movie, what makes it great is the combination of Miles' home life with his superhero life. He is different from any other Spider-Man we've seen because of his parents — both of them — who added so much with such little screen time in the first film. So, of course, they make the trailer even better in just two short appearances.

The first one is at the very start of the trailer, as Miles is arriving late to yet another event due to his secret Spider-Man business, and the moment he talks back at his mother, she gets mad — and you do not want to make a Latina mom mad.

Worse yet (but better for the audience), we see that the life of a superhero is simply not compatible with that of a student at a top academy, because Miles' grades are suffering a bit. Granted, that's not that bad but when Miles' parents, especially his mom, find out that he is not acing Spanish, she snaps — literally. 

In a very cool detail for a movie full of cool details, Rio Morales conjures the Puerto Rican flag with a snap of her fingers, as she shares her disappointment in Miles. If there is one thing worse than making a Latina mom mad, it is making your Latina mom mad at you in Spanish. While "Blue Beetle" is set to be the first live-action Latino superhero lead, it is good to see "Across the Spider-Verse" not leave behind Miles' mixed heritage.

Meet Dozens Of Spider People

Once Miles is reunited with Gwen, they travel to some interdimensional meeting place for all sorts of Spider-People — dozens of them. We knew there would be many, many, many new characters, but seeing them here is something else. Better yet, we get a good, close look at some of the main Spider-People, like Spider-Woman and Pavitr Prabhakar. 

Then there's Spider-Punk, who gets a fantastic introduction with some stunning visuals that simply, well, rock. With striking linework and popping colors.

But everything is not perfect for Miles, who is immediately rejected from the Council of Spiders by Miguel O'Hara. Spider-Man 2099 tells Miles he can never be part of the team and even namedrops another Spider-Man who is banned from the team, one that is accompanied by Doctor Strange and is a "little nerd back on Earth 199999." That's right, the MCU is canon in the Spider-Verse, and even here, everyone thinks Tom Holland's Peter Parker sucks and Doctor Strange is a terrible sorcerer.

But hey, at least Miles has some allies. Not only is Gwen on his side, but Peter B. Parker is trying to get Miguel to cut Miles some slack. Plus, Peter is now a dad! And we get to see his adorable web-slinging daughter, Mayday. The idea of a superhero dad with a baby superhero is not new, but it is always a fun one — just ask The Incredibles!

Can You Save Everyone?

We still don't know the specifics of the story of "Across the Spider-Verse," but this trailer offers some new and intriguing details. We know The Spot is the main villain, but so far the trailers have focused on Miles being at odds with the rest of the Spiders, who chase after him across the multiverse.

In the new trailer, Miguel seems to indicate Miles has to sacrifice one person in order to save the multiverse, but Miles refuses to even consider that choice — it seems at least someone has seen the bridge scene in Sam Raimi's "Spider-Man."

We don't know exactly what this choice is or why Miles is the one to take it, but based on a brief shot of Miles' dad Jefferson Davis falling from a high place, it is clear the movie wants us to at least think he is going to die in this movie — unless Miles stops it. Classic Spider-Man material.

But just because Miles wants to try and serve everyone, doesn't mean the others will let him. That's because Miguel sends every single Spider-person after Miles, who we see running and crossing from one universe to the other, being chased by dozens of different masked heroes.

Oh, Hi Ben!

One exciting character who is making his big-screen debut in the trailer is none other than Ben Reilly! He is one of the most popular Spider-Man characters despite appearing in a rather controversial storyline. Introduced as a clone of Peter Parker, Ben became a prominent part of the "Clone Saga" storyline in the mid-'90s, before adopting the name Scarlet Spider and becoming an ally of Peter after being bred to fight and replace him.

The version in the trailer looks incredible, with a distinct visual style that looks like a 2D character in a 3D world, with a design that looks drawn by Tom Lyle who designed the Scarlet Spider costume.

Speaking with IndieWire, the directors of "Across the Spider-Verse" talked about reaching out to actual comics creators to help design the looks of the characters in the film and translate their own art to the screen, such as Rick Leonardi for Spider-Man 2099 (a character he helped create). This could be a rather groundbreaking approach, especially at a time when comic creators are not being credited when their work is translated to the screen and ends up making millions.

Pointing Meme!

There is not that much to this, just a brilliant joke. After the first "Spider-Verse" movie ended with a fantastic post-credits scene that paid homage to the Spider-Man pointing meme from the '60s show, it is a joy to see "Across the Spider-Verse" double down on it and give us another pointing meme, but rather than two or even three Spider-people, it is hundreds upon hundreds of Spider-people all pointing at each other in confusion.

But as funny as the scene is, it is coming during a rather difficult time for Miles, as we hear Miguel announce to all Spider-people that Miles is now public enemy #1 and everyone should stop and apprehend Spider-Man (without specifying, which leads to the confusion and the meme). This is such a Phil Lord and Chris Miller joke you can imagine seeing it in a "21 Jump Street" movie, and that just rules.


The trailer ends with yet another hilarious gag, but also one that has a lot of self-deprecation.

Having seen Miles on the run from all the Spider-People, we cut to two Spider-Mans having a therapy session — both in costume, of course, even though the therapist has a business suit on. The need for superheroes to go to therapy has long been a bit of a joke amongst fans, but one that occasionally makes it to the comics and stories themselves. There was the "Heroes In Crisis" comic book mini-series DC published in 2018 about a mass shooting at a rehabilitation center for superheroes, and even "Young Justice" has Black Canary serve as the unofficial therapy counselor for the Justice League and The Team.

Of course, this is still the same comedy that does the massive pointing meme, so the scene has some levity to it, like the fact that the therapist immediately guesses that his Spider-Man patient's uncle is dead. But before they can come to an emotional breakthrough, along comes Miles ruining things and crashing through the wall with dozens of Spider-people (and a horse?) chasing him.

This is posing to be one of the biggest movies of the year, and so far, it looks like we're in good hands.

"Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse" opens on June 2, 2023. 

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