The LeBron James talk show, "The Shop," which is due to return for its fifth season, has found a new home. The Emmy-winning program, created by Paul Rivera and Randy Mims for "Uninterrupted" is relocating from HBO exclusively to YouTube, as per a report by The Hollywood Reporter. Now you can also join the likes of Donald Glover, J Balvin, Quinta Brunson, and LeBron himself via YouTube, as they talk about music, sports, and a wide array of other things.
Check out the official trailer for "The Shop" season 5 below, on "Uninterrupted's" YouTube channel.
The Show Must Go On, Uninterrupted
"The Shop" first premiered in August 2018, and basically follows the format of James and Maverick Carter taking part in insightful conversations surrounding entertainment, politics, music, and sports with guests from different professional arenas. For the show's fifth season, James will continue to serve as an executive producer, alongside the creative and production arm of "Uninterrupted." James talked about the core reason behind the creation of the talk show, and the importance of having "honest discussions:"
"When I was growing up, the barbershop is the first place I ever heard real, open dialogue about things that were going on. It's the place where my community could come together and be real. That's why we created The Shop, where people from all walks of life can come together as a community to have honest discussions about important topics. Now we're excited to keep that conversation going, making it more accessible for everyone without limitations or constraints. Through it all, we're empowering our team, our audience, our community, and everyone who watches or steps foot in The Shop. We can't wait for people to continue this journey with us."
Per James' SpringHill company, which created the "Uninterrupted" platform, the decision to move from HBO to YouTube was solely to grant the show larger audience access, who can now participate in the discourse without restrictions. Grey Goose is set to be the show's presenting sponsor, and all episodes of "The Shop" will also be available in podcast form.
Former guests on "The Shop" include President Barack Obama, Odell Beckham Jr., Snoop Dogg, Drake, Draymond Green, Candace Parker, Jon Stewart, Mary J. Blige, Ice Cube, Jimmy Kimmel, Nas, Lena Waithe, Will Smith, Gov. Gavin Newsom, and many more.
Season 5 of "The Shop" will drop on March 4, 2022 at 9 A.M. PT / 12 P.M. ET on the "Uninterrupted" YouTube Channel.
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The post LeBron James' Talk Show The Shop gets Drafted from HBO to YouTube appeared first on /Film.