"Big" is one of the beloved classic comedies that came from the 1980s. Featuring a delightful performance by Tom Hanks as a young boy who has his wish to be big magically granted by a carnival machine, the movie is endlessly charming, funny, and serves as a great reminder that we shouldn't try to grow up too fast and maybe we should indulge the little kid inside us from time to time. Mondo is celebrating the movie with the release of an amazing poster by DKNG that features the wish-granting Zoltar machine and a handful of Easter eggs that fans will enjoy immensely.
Mondo Big Poster By DKNG
Along with the prominently featured Zoltar machine, the border features several references to "Big." You'll notice the upper right-hand corner shows the silhouettes of Tom Hanks and Elizabeth Perkins hopping on the trampoline in Josh's apartment. On each side of the border, around the middle of the poster, you'll see the robot that transforms into a building. We still don't get it.
The bottom of Zoltar's bust has been changed into a piano, paying tribute to the famous scene where Tom Hanks and Robert Loggia hop around on the giant keys in FAO Schwarz. The slip of paper telling Josh that his wish has been granted is popping out of the bottom of the print too.
But the best Easter egg is the tiny ear of corn that Josh munches on at the company party. We won't tell you where it's at, so you can try to find out yourself.
The regular version (left) has an edition of 245, and it will cost $50. Meanwhile, the right version is the variant with an edition size of 120 that costs $75. Both are 24x36 inches and go on sale at 12:00 P.M. ET over at the Mondo shop.
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The post Your Wish is Granted: Mondo Unveils an Amazing Big Poster by DKNG appeared first on /Film.