After debuting in the spring of 2019, the animated anthology series Love Death + Robots is coming back for a second round of unique sci-fi stories. Filmmakers Tim Miller (Deadpool) and David Fincher (The Social Network) teamed up to executive produce the series that featured a variety of animation styles and narratives. This time, Jennifer Yuh Nelson (of the Kung Fu Panda sequels) jumped on board as supervising director, and we’ve got a first look at what they’ve cooked up with the Love Death + Robots season 2 trailer.
Love Death + Robots Season 2 Trailer
Since this is an anthology series, there’s no throughline as far as the narrative is concerned, so the trailer relies on the impressive visuals to give off a vibe of the show in general. There are incredible cityscapes, snarling creatures, and a robot that picks up dog poop. This series has it all! Jennifer Yuh Nelson called the new season “a tonal and stylistic Jenga game” where they had to figure out which director was best suited to handle each story.
The second season will arrive in May, but the episode count has shrunk significantly from the first season’s 18-episode count. That’s because Netflix wanted to get new episodes out there sooner than later, so they’re releasing eight episodes for a second season, and eight more episodes are already in the works for a third season that will debut in 2022. Since it took several years for the first season to be completed, this is a smart move to ensure the series stays in people’s minds.
Love Death + Robots has been one of the more unique offerings that Netflix has added their library. Outside of anime, there’s not a huge swatch of animation for adults (with the exception of mature animated comedies), so the success of this series has been a pleasant surprise, and we hope they’re willing to keep it going for awhile.
Here are all the titles, runtimes, and credits for the eight episodes coming to Netflix on May 14, 2021.
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